Just be/ Baby Steps
Every so often, I get little reminders of how much of a blimp I am in this vast universe. The relationships I’ve built might be gone in miliseconds when life altering decisions are made. I wish we collective knew more about Mozart or Piccaso or any of the greats as people rather than just their works. What if Gandhi was a major womanizer? Would it matter? We choose certain icons and potray them in the best possible way so others may be inspired and lead lives to form great achievements of their own. We inflate our existence to a platuea of accomplishments at various stages of our lives. We talk about legacy, we talk about leaving something for the next generation. I too have this sudden urge to leave something behind. To have my existence matter in a real way that stories or rumours might be shared about me. I have a few things cooking in books but time and effort will tell if I’m brave enough to embark on them. But being a good person is easy. Saying helpful things is easy. Encouraging people is easy. To me anyways. And if, I’m able to change someone’s day in the smallest way possible is that not a life well lived? Is it not all the legacy I need be leave behind?
I think it was a tik tok or insta story that refreshed my mind about Just Being. This Native American girl was talking about how her ancestors taught them to just be, like the trees around them, like the birds and animals that walk the earth. You come into this world, expand, inhale, exhale and expire. Just enjoy it. Treasure the relationships. Be nice and move on. It easy to err, to frustrate, to slump into darkness. But constant reminders that we’re a blink prove time and time again that those wasteful emotions never fuel you. We’re naturally drawn to the light in our lives. Having plants actually taught me this. Like I actually learned life lessons from my plants. They change the way they are because of the amount of sunlight they get. The ones in the shade grow slower and are less perkier, but they are just showing attitude by leaning more towards the light. Pestering me to move them every now and then. The ones that get that 9-11am light flash their leaves and grow fiercely, unabashedly. My holy basil constantly reminds me how thirsty she is and life’s importance to sustenance.
Greatness may be measured in the history books and echoed throughout the world, but no one is putting a knife to your throat and demanding you to be the bestest you on a daily basis. So relieve that pressure you feel. Remove yourself from the Maze.
Mentally I feel like I’m in my twenties still. But a Xiaomi weighing scale called out my body age, 41. Bitch! And it’s starting to feel like it too cause I’ve allowed it. I realised that the lack of consistency has taken a toll on my body. My immune system is at an all time low. My core is weak. My hair is THINNING! As much as I want to reverse these processes and feel invincible. I have learnt yet another life lesson from my god damn plants. (Maybe in the next few posts I’ll take some pictures of my plants and bother you with them hehe)
New leaves grow and old leaves will wilt and die. They all serve the higher purpose. Sustainability. Certain parts of your body do this too. What remains as constant? A balance of nutrition and activity. The Human body requires mobility and affection from nature. I’ve been unwell in and out since December and hence it has inspired me not to post anything for a minute. My bad. But I shouldn’t let this get in the way of expressing myself and will try and maintain a breath of consistency from here on out. Baby steps and Back to Square ones have always been my Schtick, so why not lean onto it more and hope for new leaves to sprout? The new leaves are never the same as the old ones and have some variation. I too must aim to vary and randomise. But I’m glad to have open up some chakras that I thought were forever closed. Here’s 2024 me, Passively Progressive.